Friday, April 22, 2016

I was interested in finding a smaller residential program in France in a town that wasn't too large.  I came across the Ecole des Trois Ponts in the Roanne/Riorges area of France, about an hour by train outside of Lyon that appealed to me.  

I have enrolled in a two week program.  The first week will consist of general French lessons in the morning followed by cooking classes in the afternoon.  The second week I will concentrate entirely on intensive French.

Before I begin my classes I will spend five days in Paris staying with a French couple, and then three days in Lyon.  Once my classes have ended, I will return to Paris for two days.

                                               Église et place Saint-Étienne à Roanne

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Je vais en France pendant trois semaines cette Juin afin d'ameliorer mon francais.  Accompagnez-moi a travers ce Blog!

I'm going to France for three weeks this June in order to improve my French.  Travel with me through this Blog!  I will try to write in French for mes amis francophones, as well as in English.  I am new to Blogging and my French is not perfect, so hold on for the ride!

Chaque mardi soir, je conduis au Frederick, Maryland pour etudier la langue francaise avec la estimee Dr. Odile Chapman et mes amies Carol et Christine.  Quand nous sommes en classe, nous parlons en francais, mais quand je rentre a chez moi je n'ai personne avec qui je puis parler toute la semaine en francais.  Donc, je vais a une ecole en France pour me plonger dans la langue.

Every Tuesday night after work, I have been driving down to Frederick, Maryland to take French lessons from Dr. Odile Chapman and my classmates Carol and Christine.  We speak French in class, however, when I return home, and throughout the week, I have no one with whom I can practice.  So, I have decided to go to school in France and immerse myself in the language.