Sunday, June 12, 2016

Thanks, everyone for your comments! It's nice to know I'm not traveling alone.  Merci a tous pour vos commentaires.  J'aime que vous voyagent avec moi.  Merci a Edouard, m'inspiration francaise Pamela et ma tante Wanda.


  1. So glad you arrived safe,and sound. Hopefully things will calm down for you after the travel snafus. Kick back now,and just enjoy. Have a gooey filled Almond croissant for me. I'll enjoy it vicariously. (Pardon the English it's too early here for me to attempt Francais) Hugs, Eduoard

  2. Je suis content que tu sois bien arrivée. Looking forward to hearing about all the great food!

  3. I'm thinking of you and will regularly check your blog. Don't forget the Context company and the day trips they offer. Ann

  4. Yay! We are glad to know you are there. We can't wait to see pics of the beautiful places and yummy food.
    ~Your Peeps from the Law Library
